Page 34 - Interna Regulation
P. 34

Norton University                                 Internal Regulation

        Section 23     Both  the substitute  student  and  the  helping student                                allowed to  take the only  one supplementary
                       during the examination shall  be dismissed from  the                                    examination once only at the end of the academic
                       examination room  for  all  subjects  being  done and                                   year  as approved  by the  University.  Any students
                       dismissed  from  the University  by the Examination                                     fail to sit this supplementary shall be automatically
                       Committee.                                                                              given zero mark.
                                                                                                           C.  The  total scores  are  the constitution of  the  60%
                                      Chapter V                                                                from the supplementary examination and 40% from

                                Academic Evaluation                                                            the ongoing assessment.
                                                                                                           D.  Ongoing  assessment  scores of each course  must
        Section 24     In each semester there is:                                                              be completed  before  the examination.  Otherwise,
                                                                                                               the student will get zero mark.
                       •  At least one revision test in each subject                                       E.  Students  will be provided the  Certificate  of
                       •  At least one assignment in each subject, and                                         Foundation  Year  and allowed to sit  in year  II  only
                       •  One semester examination in each subject.                                            they have completed and passed all the subjects in
                                                                                                               year I.
        Section 25     The following is the grading system:                                                F.  Year  II, III,  and  IV students  (Faculties:  Electronic

                       •  Attendance, discipline, morality and participation   10%                             and Electricity, Civil Engineering, and Architecture)
                       •  Revision test(s)                               15%                                   who  get  less  than  50%  of the total marks  from  2
                       •  Assignments and Homework                       15%                                   subjects up, or (two  levels in  one subject is
                       •  Semester examination                           60%                                   considered as two subjects) will have to repeat the
                                                                                                           G.  The   students    shall  do   the   supplementary
                             Total scores                                                 100%                 examination  for  the subjects  they  failed the
                        Any students whose scores are under 50% in a subject                                   following  year  as the  schedule with payment  of
                       is considered failed in that subject.                                                   10$ per subject.

        Section 26     For year I-II-III Students

                       A.  There are two  semester examinations  a  year and                Section 27     For year IV students
                           the exam of the subject failed in the previous year.
                       B.  Those whose total scores are under 50% and those                                A.  Only those whose pass all the subjects (in year I, II,
                           who were  absent  on the examination  day(s)  (first                                and III) are allowed to do the first semester
                           and / or  second  semester  examination)  shall be                                  examination as approved by the University.

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