Page 32 - Interna Regulation
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Norton University                                 Internal Regulation

        Section 18     Leave of Absence                                                                       proctor, the  student shall be  dismissed  from the
                                                                                                              examination room.
                       A.  The students shall ask permission in advance from                               C.  The  student  shall  be given zero  mark  for  the
                          the registrar’s  office,  in  the student  affairs  room,                           particular subject:
                          through their class monitor with acceptable reasons.                                -   If  not  returning the examination  paper  to  the
                       B.  The students  shall  ask for  leave  of  absence  with                                 proctor.
                          reasonable papers before the exam date set by the                                   -   Cheating on examination tasks in the bathroom
                          University or it will be considered invalid if late.                                    or outside the exam room.
                       C.  Having 30%  of  leaves  of absence  or more on  one                                -   Send examination tasks to friend.
                          subject,  the student  shall  be warned and  their                               D.  If not returning the examination paper to the proctor,
                          parents or guardians shall be informed.                                             the student  shall  be given zero  mark  for  the
                       D.  Having 40%  of  leaves  of  absence or  more  on one                               particular subject.
                          subject, the student shall fail that subject and shall
                          do the supplementary examination approved by the                  Section 20     If  behaving improperly,  using improper  language,  and
                          University.                                                                      making disturbing noise,  the student  shall  be promptly
                                                                                                           stopped doing an  examination  and  be  sent  to  the
                                     Chapter IV                                                            Discipline Committee.

                        Punishments during the examination                                  Section 21     If making a quarrel with any member of the Examination

        Section 19     Cheating on Examination                                                             Committee,  the student  shall  be dismissed from  the
                                                                                                           examination  room  or  dismissed  from the University
                       A.  If caught copying from a forbidden source;                                      based on the seriousness of the commitment.
                          -   The first time, the student must sign the warning
                              column on the attendance sheet                                Section 22     If found tearing the examination paper:
                          -   The  second  time,  the student  must  sign for                              A.  The student shall be dismissed from the examination
                              cheating and  five  marks  will  be  deducted from                              room for all subjects.
                              their score.                                                                 B.  The  student’s  parents  or  guardians shall  be invited
                          -   The  third  time,  the student  will  sign to                                   to  the University  and  be finally  informed  about  the
                              acknowledge  their  cheating and  be dismissed                                  matter.
                              from the examination room for that subject.                                  C.  If  tears  the examination  paper  at  the second  time,
                       B.  If sitting  in  the  wrong seat, five  marks shall be                              the student shall be dismissed from the University.
                          deducted  and if not  following  the  instruction of  the

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