Page 37 - Interna Regulation
P. 37

Norton University                                 Internal Regulation

 •  If failed any subject, the student shall take   H.  Only those who  passed  all the  learned subjects,
 the first supplementary examination as   state examination, and thesis are given the degree.
 approved by the University.   I.  Grading system is shown below:
 •  If failed the same subject again, the student
 shall  take the second (final)  supplementary                         Average score of all subjects +
 examination as approved by the University.

 B.  If  failed one  subject  after  the last  supplementary                       score of state exam + score of thesis

 examination,  the student  can either  be allowed or      Total scores =        3
 not allowed to take the state examination depending
 on the decision of the University Board.
 C.  If  failed  two  subjects after the last  supplementary
 examination, the student is not allowed to take the      Grade A    : 85     →   100   Excellent
 state examination. He or she shall study the failed      Grade B  : 80    →   84    Very good
 subjects the following academic year and pay $40      Grade B  +   : 70   →   79    Good
 per failed subject. However, this student is allowed      Grade C  : 65   →   69    Fairly good
 to continue  to do  his  or  her  thesis  in the  same      Grade C   : 50   →   64    Fair
 assigned group till the end of the process.      Grade D   : 0   →   49    Fail
 D.  If  failed the state  examination,  the student  is
 allowed  to  do  a supplementary state examination
 result is announced. If s/he fails again, the student
 must  do another supplementary state examination   Chapter VI
 the following academic year and must pay $30 to be   Arts and Sports
 registered. If he/she passes,  he/she  is allowed  to
 defend his or her thesis.   Section 28   About Art
 E.  Those who failed the thesis defense are allowed to   All  students  shall  be allowed to  participate  in any
 do it again the following year, but shall pay 30$ to   cultural, art show organized by the University in order
 be registered.         to uphold and preserve Khmer cultural arts.
 F.  Only  the  core subjects  that are approved  by  the   Section 29   About Sport
 University  are  marked for  the state  examination.   All  students  shall  be allowed to  participate  and
 The total scores are 100%.   compete in any sports activities / championship games
 G.  40% of the total scores are given to the written work   organized by the University or at national level.
 and 60% to the oral defense.

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