Page 29 - Interna Regulation
P. 29

Norton University                                 Internal Regulation

 Section 11   To resume  their studies,  students  shall submit the   G.  Students  shall  not  be  allowed  to bring to the
 Application form and shall pay the school fees at least   University campus anybody who does not belong to
 one month before  the  suspension period  ends;   the University during class.
 otherwise, s/he will be considered as a drop-out.   H.  Students shall not be allowed to use mobile phones
                          or any communication device during class.
 Part 4: Code of Conduct
        Section 13     On the University Campus,
 Section 12   In their classes,
                       A.  Students shall not
 A.  All students shall fully observe punctuality based on   •  smoke, drink alcohol, or use/trade prohibited drugs.
 the time schedule set by the University. If more than   •  bring in  weapons, explosives,  prohibited  drugs,
 15 minutes late, the students shall not be allowed to   alcohol, or  anybody  who  does not  belong to  the
 enter the classroom until an acceptable reason or a   University.
 notice of  approval from Registrar’s  Office  is   •  gamble or commit immoral acts.
 B.  Students shall pay full attention to their studies, shall   •  Commit  any activity  that  negatively  affects  the
                          prestige of the University and the society.
 maintain  order  inside and  outside  the classroom,
 and shall  not  do anything  that  disturbs their   •  make noise  or  use  any obscene /  insulting words
 classmates.              which are  considered  objectionable to Cambodian
 C.  When a lecturer or guest enters the room, students   tradition.
 shall keep quiet and show good manners and dignity.   •  pollute  the environment  of  the University  such as
 D.  If the lecturer is absent or is more than 15 minutes   writing  graffiti on  walls, tables,  doors, windows,
 late, students shall maintain silence and shall send a   littering anywhere, or spitting on stairs, floors, etc.
 representative to  contact  the Office  of  Lecturer   B.  Students  shall  immediately inform  the Office  of
 Affairs for information.   Administration and Personnel or security staff about
 E.  During  the break-time, students shall  behave   the following cases:
 properly, shall not romp around or make loud noise   •  fire
 or provoke quarrel.      •  need of first aid assistance
 F.  Students shall ask their respective class lecturer for   •  argument or fighting
 permission if they wish to go out or leave early due   •  theft
 to some personal reasons or some emergency.   •  any harmful actions or suspects, and so on.

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