Page 31 - Interna Regulation
P. 31

Norton University                                 Internal Regulation

 Part 5: Examination   •  Do not use any mobile phone or electronic tools in
                          terms of cheating/copying during the examination.
 Section 14   Students shall come to the examination room on time.   •  Follow the guidelines of the examination controller(s)
 They shall not be allowed to sit for the examination due   and invigilator.
 to the following reasons:
                       •  At the end of the examination period every student

 •  More than 15 minutes late   shall submit her / his exam paper to the proctor even
 •  No student ID card or any certification from the   though the paper is blank in order to get their
 Registrar’s Office (in case they do not bring with   student ID cards.
 them ID card)                        Chapter III
 •   No tuition fee receipt (supplementary exam)
 •  Failing to pay the complete tuition fee.   Punishments during the performance
 •  Not wearing the University uniform as mentioned in
 section 4   Section 16   The students who violate sections 3-4-5-6-7-8 and 9
                       shall be punished by the University Discipline
 Section 15   Students are expected to abide by the following                      Committee.
        Section 17     Leave without permission
 •  Sit in the right seat   A.  Those who are  absent  three  to  six  times  on one
 •  Fill out completely the examination papers’s   subject  without  permission shall  be given the first
 letterhead directed by any invigilator. If the students   warning;  the Discipline Committee will  inform  their
 have not filled out the letterhead, they are given zero   parents or guardians about this matter.
 mark.                 B.  Those who are absent more than six times on one
 •  Sign on the exam attendance sheet.   subject without permission shall be given the second
 •  Use as one-color pen, if need to change the pen, the   warning and their parents or guardians will be invited
 student shall ask for permission from the invigilator.   to the Discipline Committee.
 •  Keep silent and be properly seated.   C.  Those who are absent 30% up on one subject shall
 •  Do not ask other candidates.   automatically fail that subject and shall do  the
 •  Do not go outside the examination room (unless   supplementary  examination as approved  by the
 permitted by the invigilator).   University.
 •  Do not bring in the examination room any crib sheet   D.  Those who are absent 40% up in one semester shall
 unless permitted by the Examination Committee.    automatically fail.

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