Page 39 - Interna Regulation
P. 39

Norton University                                 Internal Regulation

 Chapter VII           Students  who are  absent  from  the official  graduation
 Participating in University Activities   ceremony  may request  to withdraw  their  certificates  at
                       the academic  office  after  following the  application as
 Section 30   Students shall participate in any activities organized by   stated on Section 32 one week after the ceremony.
 the University such as:
 •  Annual education fairs           Chapter IX
 •  Study tour                       About Hair
 •  Workshops
 •  Cordial chat  with high-ranking government   Section 34.   All students must cut their hair or decorate their hair
 official,  leaders of companies, local  /   appropriately and with dignity
 international NGOs.      A.  Male students must cut their hair short, decent
 •  Meeting and disseminating plans   and in good order
 •  Awarding  ceremony for  the outstanding   B.  All students do not have to dye their hair to show
 students                     their sexiness
 Section 31   To  organize  any events  on the University  campus  the   C.  In case do opposite of all above guidelines will
 students shall ask for permission from the University.   not be allowed in university campus.

 Chapter VIII
 Attendance at the graduation ceremony    Chapter X
 or Commencement Exercises         Health Service

 Section 32.   Students  must  be present  at  the graduation  ceremony   Section 35   A. Students  who  have health  problems within  the
 and must complete all conditions and principles required   University campus shall come and see the doctor at the
 by the university, including: fees, document preparation   University clinic for first aid treatment. In case of serious
 services and uniform rental days, etc.   health problems, students shall be taken to the hospital.
 Section 33.   A.  Students absent in  any  occasion  at graduation    B.  Those with  highly  infectious diseases  or  serious
 ceremony, it is necessary to complete all the conditions   chronic disease shall inform the University.
 and principles required by the university as well as the
 students  who are  present  at  the official  graduation
 ceremony to be able to apply for their certificates.

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