Page 26 - Interna Regulation
P. 26

Norton University                                 Internal Regulation

                          Certificate (GCE)  or  any  equivalent certificate                               D.  Students  of  all  shifts  are not allowed  to  wear flip
                          /document.                                                                          flops in university campus.
                       B.  Graduate students shall have a bachelor’s degree or
                          any equivalent degree.                                            Section 4      When taking an  examination, defending  a  thesis or
                       C.  Students holding  degrees  or  any  other certificates                          participating in any event of the University, all students
                          from any  other Educational Institutions  and wish  to                           shall wear the uniform as prescribed in section 3 above
                          pursue their  studies  at  Norton University  shall  go                          with a plain blue tie prescribed by the University.
                          through  an evaluation process  conducted  by  the                Section 5      All shifts student  in  morning,  afternoon and evening
                          University Academic Board.                                                       sessions must wear their ID cards all times when they

        Section 2      All students shall pay the school fees before the next                              enter or  leave the class and campus.
                       academic year starts and the money paid is non-                                            Part 2: Academic Affairs
                                                                                            Section 6      Students shall study in conformity with the schedule and
                                      Chapter II                                                           program set by the University.

                                     Disciplines                                            Section 7      Students  shall  be allowed to  apply  for  any faculties  in

                                   Part 1: Uniform                                                         the University in year II when they successfully complete
                                                                                                           and pass their year I (Foundation Studies).
        Section 3      All students  except evening  students  should  wear the
                       uniform prescribed by  the  University: a  shirt tucked in           Section 8      The arrangement of groups for each class shall be the
                       the trousers or in a skirt (Sampot).                                                responsibility of the University.

                       A.  Male students should wear dark blue trousers, a sky-             Section 9      All students shall seek an approval from the University if
                          blue shirt, and shoes. Flip-flops are not allowed.                               attempt to change the shift.
                       B.  Female  students  should  wear dark blue skirts, sky                                Part 3: Suspension of Studies
                          blue blouses, and sandals.
                       C.  Evening students should dress properly:                          Section 10     Students can be allowed to suspend their studies for up
                          •  Tuck their shirt in trousers or in a skirt (except a                          to 2 time /  2    year  at most  depend on  each program
                              shirt with three pockets)                                                    duration. During  the  suspension, students  shall not be
                          •  T-shirt is not allowed                                                        allowed to take tests or examinations.
                          •  Shorts are not allowed.

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