Page 40 - Interna Regulation
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Norton University                                 Internal Regulation

                                     Chapter XI                                             Section 39     Any  regulation contrary  to these regulations shall be
                       Administrative Actions and Motivation                                               considered null and void.
                                                                                            Section 40     This decision shall take its effects from the date of the
        Section 36     The following are the administrative actions for offending                          signing hereafter.
                       •  Giving verbal or written warnings                                                                            February 29, 2024
                       •  Posting written warning on the University Campus
                       •  Compensating the damage based on the
                          seriousness of the damage
                       •  Recording in the student academic book                                                                       ……………………
                       •  Suspending from the University                                                                               Chan Sok Khieng
                       •  Dismissing from the University                                                                               Rector
        Section 37     Students shall be motivated by the following means:                      •  Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports
                       •  Posting their photographs on  the  honorary roll or                   •  Department of Higher Education
                          publishing  their names  and photographs in  the                      •  Documentation Committee
                          University annual bulletin / newsletter
                       •  Presenting certificates of appreciation
                       •  Presenting rewards
                       •  Recording in the student academic book

                                      Chapter X
                                The Final Provisions

        Section 38     Students, lecturers, the Discipline Committee, the Office
                       of Administration and Personnel, the Office of Academic
                       and Research,  the Accounts  Office,  shall hereafter
                       effectively implement these regulations with  respect to
                       their assigned duties and responsibilities.

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