Page 72 - NU Newsletter 2022
P. 72

        ហេ�តុុអ្វីី� វណ្ណណ ម៉ូូ�លីវណ្ណណ លី្បី ?
        ហេ�តុុអ្វីី�  វណ្ណណ  ម៉ូូ�លី � � វណ្ណណ  លី ្បី  ?
         Architectural Explorations

       Born in Ream,  Kampot Province in 1926, Vann  tion. 6 With a formidable project team ---Gerald  ed understanding of the region’s historic flood
       Molyvann still resides in the house he designed  Hanning, Vladimir  Bodiansky, Vladimir  Kan-  patterns, included the foresighted division of
       in  c.  1966, set on the  bustling Mao Tse Tung  darouff,  Um  Samuth  and  Khoun  Khun-Neay-
       Boulevard  in  Phnom  Penh.1  It’s  difficult,  he  --a suite of functional,  beautifully  understated
       says, to sit and watch the destruction of his ‘chil-  public buildings emerged, reinforcing the needs,
       dren’2—an expansive and recently  threatened  both physically and psychologically, of a young
       repertoire of state, civic and private projects few  independent Cambodia.   Works  spanned the
       architects can match. He has lived an exception-  gamut from modest nut practical housing, light
       al life--- honored by royal patronage at a young  factories, public and civic venues, state admin-
                                                   istrative offices as well as broader infrastructural
                                                   and urban initiatives, monuments and gathering
                                                   spaces.  This heady mix was  supplemented by
                                                   personal projects under the direction of Prince
                                                   Norodom Sihanouk, Head of State. Yet regard-
                                                   less of audience,  intrinsic  to  Vann’s dynam-  Phnom Penh into three---‘the old city,’ ‘new
                                                   ic formalism was the revised mode of modern  sectors’ and  ‘zones  under  development.’ In
                                                   Khmer urban sensibility with which he imbued  subsequent years, Vann would go on to create
                                                   every project---the spatial impacts of airflow,7 a  or oversee over seventy architectural  projects
                                                   bonding and respect for land and water and the  principally in the capital, many providing visual
                                                   integration of guiding principles behind Khmer  landmarks that still define the city. Completed in
                                                   vernacular dwelling. Such sensibilities owe fur-  an amazingly brief 14 years between 1957 and
                                                   ther credence to the creation of ‘Srok Khmer’, a  1971, the projects range from monumental ur-
       age  and widely responsible  for the  post-inde-  semi-mystical telling of the Khmer land which  ban foci to bold civic and state endeavors such
       pendence urban panning of Cambodia’s capital  appeared as the waters receded, the spirits and  as the National Sports Complex.
       city---Vann Molyvann’s legacy is synonymous  gods who nhabit this land and the rivers which
       with ‘New Khmer Architecture,’ the unique for-  provide for the sustenance of its people.
       mulation of modernism and tropical architecture  Simultaneous  to  Cambodia’s modern  rise,  re-
       he launched in the early 1960s.             gional  political  stability deteriorated during
       Perhaps  hinting  toward Vann’s  later  life  influ-  these same years. By 1970, in the aftermath to
       ences, he was educated in Paris at the Ecole Na-  U.S. bombing campaigns  along the Cambo-
       tionale Superieure Though immersed in Europe-  dia-Vietnam border, the Cambodia National As-
       an classical traditions, Vann was simultaneously  sembly  had deposed Sihanouk  and positioned
       exposed to the work of Corbusier,   Rudolph,  Lon Nol as provisional Head of State. Having
       Wright and others figures who, he notes himself,  ushered his wife and children safely to Europe,
       provided great inspiration. With such exposure,  Vann was to quietly depart Cambodia in 1971
       in particular  to that  of ‘Le Modulor,’3  Vann  under the pretext of an international meeting. A
       would  later interpolate the measurements and  dark period was descending.
       ratios of Corbusier’s famed proportional system
       with those of the Ankorian temples, 4 their in-  In 1962, plans devised by Vann, acting as head

       tricate water management schemes and overall  of Urban Planning, and guided by a sophisticat-
       climactic sensitivity, forming the basis of a de-
       sign methodology carried consistently through-
       out his buildings.
       Upon completing his studies and receiving his
       French architectural diploma (d.p.l.g.) and Brit-
       ish Architect’s Association (d.a.a.) 5 equivalent,
       Vann returned to Cambodia in 1956. By 1957,
       at the age of 31, he had been appointed Chief
       Architect for state buildings and head of the Ur-
       ban Planning and Housing Department  of the
       Ministry of Public Works and Telecommunica-
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