Page 7 - NU Newsletter 2022
P. 7
Johns Hopkins University University of California, Berkeley ETH Zurich
University College London Columbia University University of California Los Angeles
University of Toronto Cornell University Duke University
How Universities Are Ranked - The Methodology
Two primary level indicators - Economics and Social Affairs, were per represents the overall impact of the research by the university
used to rank the universities in categories. Then 7 criteria - Innova- in industries publications. And finally, the role of universities in dis-
tion; Research; Publications; Facilities; Teaching; Employability; seminating brand-new knowledge and ideas in the global research
and Social Responsibility, were used to measure each university community.
strengthens within the two primary indicators. ខាងពេជ្រកាម�ឺជា ស្តូចនិករ 3. Publications (10%): This criteria is based on the overall number
ទាំំង៧ ពេ�ើមបូដាក�និះ កុ�ងជ្រប�័និវាយត្ម្លៃមៃ៖ of scholarly papers (reviews, articles and notes) that contain affilia-
Below the methodology indicator's criteria scoring scale system: tions to a university and are published in high-quality, impactful
Economic Indicators journals. This is also influenced by the amount of papers that have
1. Innovation (60%): Innovation, the output of the universities ac- been assigned as being in the top 10 percent of the most highly
tivities and findings to economy, society and culture, in agriculture, cited papers in the world for their respective fields. As the quantity
healthcare, financial and communication services, and its help in of highly cited papers is compared with similar papers (same publi-
sustaining innovations (which supplant older products with revolu- cation year, subject and document type), that can be considered a
tionary and more superior ones) and efficiency designs (which per- robust indication of how much excellent research the university
mit companies to build and sell established products for less) help produces.
companies serve their existing customers better, that drives eco- 4. Facilities (15%): A University’s learning and living environment,
nomic growth. and infrastructure are a key indicator for students to know what to
2. Research (30%): This category criteria looks, at the university's expect from their university experience. Factors such as housing,
global and regional academic reputation for research excellence IT, library and career development facilities, in addition to the num-
amongst they're peers. The aggregate number of citations per pa- ber of students’ societies were considered within this criterion. This